An initiative of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government
Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level




Added Content = Added Value

One of the novelties that digitization has brought to movie theatres and their audiences is so-called added content or alternative content or event cinema. It ranges from music - whether opera or pop concerts - to theatre and from ballet to the arts. Thanks to the digital big screen, the content is often conveyed by satellite transmission, which adds the thrill of a live event, bringing it to a far wider audience than is to be found in the traditionally established venues where these performances and cultural events originate.
Operas, concerts of classical or pop music, drama, comedies, ballet and art exhibitions are finding more and more opportunities in Europe's cinemas for reaching an audience that is different to habitual museum and theatre visitors.
An opportunity for spectators - who discover the possibility of enjoying, perhaps even live, performances that take place thousands of kilometres away - and for exhibitors - who gain new audience sectors.
These are the reasons why MEDIA Salles has launched the initiative called "Added Content = Added Value".

The Conference
At the moment, the long-lasting and traditional collaboration between exhibitors and film distributors is at the centre of the screenings. In talks with several professionals and companies dealing with added content we have found there is a need for exchanging programming ideas and possibilities with exhibitors. As added content becomes more important for cinemas, one idea has been to create a forum in which the stakeholders can meet and present their content. As has been done for the training courses that MEDIA Salles has been organizing since 2002, the "Added Content = Added Value Conference" has been designed as a travelling initiative, touching various European territories.


