An initiative of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level





17 May 2004 - 1.00 pm

From the MEDIA Salles
"European Cinema Yearbook":
a detailed survey on digital cinema exhibition in Europe
by Elisabetta Brunella
Secretary General of MEDIA Salles
at the conference
Global Film Finance 4
presented by Peacefulfish
and The Hollywood Reporter.










20 May 2004 - 5.30 pm

MEDIA Salles traditional apéritif
at the 'Pavilion of the
European Union - Int'l Village'.

Presentation of the
MEDIA Salles' Newsletter
"European Cinema Journal"
no. 3/2004,

including figures on cinema-going in 2003.

Presentation of
MEDIA Salles' coming initiatives:

  • Focus on Europe - Kidflix Special
    at the 44th Zlín International Children's Film Festival,
    Prague and Zlín, Czech Republic (3-6 June),
  • Cinema Expo International 2004, Amsterdam,
    The Netherlands (21-24 June).
  • The new edition of the exhibitor training course
    "European Cinema Exhibition: A New Approach":
    Budapest, Hungary, 22-26 September 2004,
    promoted by MEDIA Salles in collaboration with the
    European Film College, DB (the Danish exhibitors' association),
    Mozisok Országos Szóvetsege (the Hungarian exhibitors' association),
    Magyar Filmunió, with the support of the
    Hungarian Ministry of Cultural Heritage.
During the Festival we shall be present at the International Village,
Pavilion of the European Union - MEDIA Salles
Esplanade Georges Pompidou
Tel.: +33.4.92590267
Available on our stand the MEDIA Salles "European Cinema Yearbook -
2003 final edition and Source Document
" (32 country chapters) on CD-Rom.

To receive further information about our initiatives, to fix an appointment at Cannes from 16 to 21 May,
or to communicate any changes of address, please contact us at the following address:

From left, Ms Elisabetta Brunella, Secretary General of MEDIA Salles,
Domenico Dinoia, President of FICE and new President of MEDIA Salles,
Primitivo Rodriguez Gordillo, President of FEECE and new Vice-President of MEDIA Salles,
both elected in Cannes on 19 May 2004, during the presentation of MEDIA Salles
Newsletter "European Cinema Journal" no. 3/2004 at the Cannes Film Festival on 20 May 2004

Per ulteriori informazioni:
MEDIA Salles
Via Soperga, 2 - I-20127 Milan
Tel.: +39.02.66984405 - Fax: +39.02.6691574

