Added Content: The Country Focuses and Key Figures
If you click on the green button, you will find the "Country focus" drawn up by MEDIA Salles.
If you click on the yellow button, you will find statistical data on the added content market collected by MEDIA Salles.
If you click on the orange button, you will read the text of the series "Experts' corner" relevant to the country 
Cliccando sui bottoni verdi, si legge il "Country focus" sui contenuti aggiuntivi redatto da MEDIA Salles.
Cliccando sui bottoni gialli, si leggono i dati sul mercato dei contenuti aggiuntivi raccolti da MEDIA Salles
Cliccando sui bottoni arancioni, si accede al testo della serie "Experts' corner" relativo al paese.

© copyright MEDIA Salles, published on 5 August 2019, updated on 10 May 2021

Note: Each "Country Focus" has been drawn up by MEDIA Salles and published in "Cinema & Video Int'l" on the date indicated in each "Focus"
