
© copyright MEDIA Salles


1) X 1 000 000.

2) X 1 000 000.

3) EURO x 1 000 000.
Incassi lordi in moneta locale - GBO in local currency - recettes brutes en devise nationale - recaudacion en moneda nacional Incassi lordi in moneta locale (M CAD):
- 2005: 729,308
- 2006: 752,589
- 2007: 797,065
- 2008: 826,072
- 2009: 922,147

Data for the 2007 Motion Picture Theatre industry should not be compared with data published prior to 2005, as significant changes were made to the survey. Data for 2006 were revised.
Fonte: Statistics Canada, Motion Picture Theatres, 2008.