Methodological remarks and tools

Berlin Special - Advance news of Cinema-going in Europe in 2012

Cinema admissions in Europe: -2% in 2012

At the start of 2013 70% of European screens are digital

Western Europe

Gross box office revenues

Gross box office revenues - national currency


Average ticket prices

Average ticket prices - National currency

Market shares of domestic films

Central and Eastern Europe and Mediterranean Rim

Gross box office revenues

Gross box office revenues - national currency


Average ticket prices

Average ticket prices - National currency

Market shares of domestic films


Comparative Tables

Digital Cinemas Worldwide

Number of digital screens by continent, from 1st January 2004 to 1st January 2012

To see data until 1st January 2012 click here

Digital Cinemas: Focus on Europe

Multiplexes in Europe

MEDIA Salles