An initiative of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government
Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level
MEDIA Salles current activities
"DigiTraining Plus: What do you do with digital now you've got it?"
European Cinema Yearbook
- a statistical analysis
DGT online informer
European Cinema Journal
The MEDIA Salles' calendar: Italian films where and when
Other activities of MEDIA Salles under the MEDIA 2007 Programme
"DigiTraining Plus: New technologies for European Cinemas"
"European Cinema Exhibition: A New Approach"
Cinema Research Library
Other activities of MEDIA Salles under the MEDIA Plus Programme and the MEDIA II Programme
Focus on Europe
- a promotional platform for European film industry
Focus on Europe - Kidflix Special - Speciale cinema per ragazzi
- a promotional platform for exhibitors committed to programming for younger audiences
Euro Kids
- Children's film and media education initiatives
Other activities of MEDIA Salles under MEDIA Programme 1991-1995
White Book of the European Exhibition Industry
Europe gets together in the cinema
Europe gets together in the cinema: a week of European cinema in 100 towns