... Our experiences have shown up many weaknesses in the distribution
of European films across their natural borders. The problems differ from
country to country, such as language barriers, reluctance to accept sub-titles
or dubbing. But the main problem is – of course – a regular supply of strong
product (but that is not just a European problem).
Many distribution companies are unable to cope with increases in dating
of certain "foreign" titles. Many films receive acclaim at various festival
screenings, but, apart from dates on the established "art" circuit, these
films frequently do not find their way to many local cinemas – not because
of lack of interest, but due to a lack of physical copies of the film.
All films, be they European, American or Chinese, normally have a limited
theatrical shelf life. This may be due to other windows of opportunity
for the producer or the "cashing in" on a festival or major city opening.
Often when the small European film is dated there is a lack of publicity
and promotional materials available.
Minimum standards of distribution needs must be established to enable
the EU-backed films and cinemas to compete effectively with US-dominated
European films are successful – look how many are remade by
Hollywood majors as pale imitations of the originals. However, the return
on these imitations is 10x, 20x, 30x higher than the originals.
Europeans account for a large percentage of Hollywood talent in the
technical and artistic fields. So we do know how to make successful movies.
Today’s seminar will expand on some of my themes:
Dr Wolff will be commenting on cross distribution of European films.
A case history comes from Kirsten Dalgaard, of the highly successful Grand Theatre Copenhagen, which both exhibits and distributes European product.
We will also hear from Timo Mänty of Finland’s distribution and exhibition company – FinnKino.
Rosella Gioffrè will open up the wonders of the Internet as a tool to aid both exhibition and distribution.
And MEDIA Salles' president Romano Fattorossi will be summing up our hopes and aspirations for the future.
The information super highway – the Internet – is a highly successful tool now being used to great effect by the Hollywood majors. Web site pages have become a major marketing tool.
MEDIA Salles recognized the potential of the Internet nearly three years ago and have used this information tool to build a database which, given the time and the resources, will be a one-stop site to find out all you need to know about European films.
Surf the Web to our site here at Cinema Expo...
... MEDIA Salles committees are panelled by commercial exhibitors, representing
most of the major EU member countries. We are not trying to re-invent the
wheel – but merely giving it a little oil for a longer, smoother and, hopefully,
more profitable journey for European films around Europe ¼ and beyond.