An initiative of the EU MEDIA Programme with the support of the Italian Government Since 1992 MEDIA Salles has been promoting the European cinema and its circulation at theatrical level





Exhibitors: Comparing and sharing experiences







Palombara Sabina

Multiscreen Nuovo Teatro








Cinéma Brive Art et Essai




DB d'essai cineteatro







Villard Bonnot

Espace Aragon




Cinema dei Piccoli




Multicinema Modernissimo




Agnès Varda




Sala Margherita












Cinéma Le Parc




Cinema Fantarca



San Severo

Cinema Cicolella




Cinema Vignola

  1. MULTISCREEN NUOVO TEATRO, proposes Rassegna di cinema europeo per l’infanzia (Review of European cinema for children) which aims to offer an educational project focusing on introducing elementary school children to the language of images. Some directors have been invited to present their films and speak about the themes with the pupils.
    At the end of the screening, the prize is awarded by the jury to the winning film.
    Each film is in an educational form created by “AGISCUOLA” and is accompanied by a debate before and after the screening. The debate is monitored by the teachers and the festival staff, who help to develop the critical judgement of the children.
    CRITERION FOR THE CHOICE OF FILMS: the films in the programme are those with educational value. 
  1. REX proposes Bobines d’enfants (Childrens’ reels), every 3 weeks, for those schools which are interested in the films programmed. Every pupil receives a notebook and documentation about the film. Very often there is a debate after the screening.
    Films, cartoons, short films.
  1. BRIVE ART ET ESSAI proposes Rencontre cinématographique européenne pour la jeunesse (tr. European cinema meeting for young people). It consists in forming 5 groups of 4 children which will film 2 debates after European screenings. The aim is to have 5 different views for each film.
    The evaluation takes the form of an interactive conference, which will give every pupil the possibility of expressing her-/himself. Professional figures in the world of the cinema will also take part.
  2. DB D’ESSAI CINETEATRO proposes Scuola al cinema i bambini del terzo millennio and Progetto Skedèn (passo dopo passo) (tr. School at the cinema the kids of the Third Millennium and Skedèn Project (step by step). The first is for children from 5 to 12 years old, the second is for children from 13 to 19 years old.
    Considers the “film” as an aspect of education in a culture where communication is important.
    The cinema gives teachers the documentation for the debates. Before the screening there is a short dialogue which introduces the themes of the film. For the older pupils there is a debate after the screening.
  3. ASTOR proposes I giovani incontrano il cinema (tr. Children meet the cinema). This is a school project in collaboration with the province of Agrigento, the Istituto tecnico of Agrigento, AGIS, ANEC. The aim is to educate children to the language of the cinema.
  4. ESPACE ARAGON proposes Allons z’enfants au cinema (tr. Let’s go to the cinema kids). Introduces children to the cinema with the aim of making it into a beautiful love story
    Designation of a children’s jury for the whole week. Audience Vote. Debate after the screening.
    This cinema has obtained the title of “Art et Essai Jeune Public”.
    Cinema-making part of the “Ecole du Cinéma”.
    It has created a cycle called “Ciné J.”
  5. CINEMA DEI PICCOLI proposes: 1) Programmazione specifica per bambini e ragazzi (tr. Specific programming for children and young people). Children from 2 years old. Screening of films for young people, mainly European productions. Every-day screenings.
    2) Itinerari culturali di Cinema ed Arte (tr. Cultural itineraries in the Cinema and in Art) For pupils at primary school.
    Every event is organised in two parts: the first is at Villa Borghese, where the pupils are present at the screening of a film at the Cinema dei Piccoli and then, after crossing the Park, they get to know the works of art at the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna. The second appointment takes place in the classroom, where the pupils can use their experience in a painting workshop with experts. The itineraries proposed are:
    a) La pittura impressionista: Claude Monet (tr. Impressionism: Claude Monet)
    - First meeting: screening of a children’s film dedicated to the painter.
    - g
    uided tour of the Giardino del Lago to research the light reflections seen in impressionist painting.
    -  Guided tour at the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna to see the painting “NYMPHS” by Claude Monet.
    Second meeting: workshop on impressionist painting in the classroom.
    b) Cinema, arte e natura (tr. Cinema, art and nature)First meeting: screening of the film L’uomo che piantava gli alberi from the book by Jean Giono, with drawings by Frederick Back (Oscar award 1987);
    -   Observation of the trees at Villa Borghese, pencil drawings.
    - Second meeting: painting workshop in the classroom.
    c) Cinema e arte astratta (tr. Cinema and abstract art
    First meeting: screening of a selection of short films inspired by abstract art.
    Guided tour of the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna to discover the language of the eighteenth and nineteenth century paintings.
    Second meeting: little optical experiments, observation with the microscope, reading of images, listening to music.
    d) Cinema e arte: Pablo Picasso (tr. Cinema and art: Pablo Picasso)
    First meeting: screening of film dedicated to the painter.
    Guided tour of the Galleria d’Arte Moderna
    Second meeting: painting workshop in the classroom.
  6. MULTICINEMA MODERNISSIMO, proposes Le fonti di ispirazione del cinema italiano (tr. The sources of inspiration in the Italian cinema). The participants saw the screening of: La balia (Marco Bellocchio), Il partigiano Johnny (Guido Chiesa), Il Gattopardo (Luchino Visconti), Sostiene Pereira (Roberto Faenza), Un paio di occhiali (Carlo Damasco, short film).
    The screenings were introduced by meetings and debates with the presence of critics and authors.
  7. AGNES VARDA, proposes Cet été, voyage au cinema! Destination l’Europe (tr. This summer travel to the cinema! Destination Europe). A programme of 8 films during the summer. The films were chosen by country. Questionnaire on each country, for the children. Jigsaw puzzle of Europe with photos from films. After the screening a document about the film is given to the children. Before the screening there is a presentation of the film.
  8. SALA MARGHERITA, proposes Cinerassegna di film europei specifici per ragazzi e scuole effettuati in matinée e nelle ore pomeridiane (tr. Cinereview of domestic films for young people, screening during the morning and the afternoon)
     Every film is preceded or followed by debates with actors and directors.
    Distributions of information files for the films programmed.

    Reduction of 50% on the ticket.
    News of the programmes in the local media
  9. EXCELSIOR, proposes Junior – Cinema per ragazzi e bambini (tr. Junior – Cinema for children and young people). Two reviews during the year. The person who invites the children to participate is the Kangaroo “Junior”. The children receive “GiocaJunior” (“Playjunior”), the film journal which announces competitions, games, lectures and investigations/debates. For certain screenings special events have been organised in the cinema. By taking part in the competition, children can win tickets or gadgets.
  10. MULTIASTRA, proposes Ciak: Storie di bambini al cinema – vado al cinema con I miei compagni (Ciak: Children’s stories at the cinema – I’m going to the cinema with my friends)
    For primary and secondary schools.
    Debates on the subjects/themes of each film.
    Educational activities in classroom after the screening.
    Two speakers for the special events in the cinema.
    Free entry for parents and teachers for the presentation of the project.
    On line consultation.
  11. CINEMA LE PARC, proposes :
    a) La lanterne magique (The Magic Lantern),
    b) Ciné pédagogie (Educational cinema),
    c) Un été au ciné (A summer at the cinema),
    d) Dècentralisation du FIFF (Decentralisation of the FIFF),
    e) Carambolimage.

    a) La lanterne magique (The Magic Lantern). This cinema club for children (parents not admitted) from 6 to 12 years old, presents 9 films per year. Every screening is preceded by a mini event. Two weeks before the screening every child receives a little journal at home. It presents the film of the month and prepares the young viewer to see the film “through different eyes”. The day of the screening the children are received by a duo of entertainers-actors who discuss the theme with them.
    b) Ciné pédagogie (Educational cinema). For children from the kindergarten to secondary schools. Current themes. Ticket reductions for pupils and free entry for those schools that are the victims of discrimination. Teachers are guests. Animated debate by professional figures, at school or at the theatre (as preferred). Special screenings “Films à la carte” are organized wherever requested by teachers and subject to availability.
    Un été au ciné (A summer at the cinema).
    Reductions for young people (« - 25 years old: 2,73 euro»)
    ± 20 films Art et Essai.
    Ateliers : stages for the realisation of short films.
    Open-air screening: in two different places.
    Party at the cinema: special programming for children under 13. Ticket: 2 euros.
    d) Dècentralisation du FIFF (Decentralisation of the Festival International du Film Francophone de Namur).
    From 2 to 5 October « Ciné Le Parc » offered the schools of the region, decentralized screenings of the FIFF’s educational films:
    2 October: SDF – SQUATTEURS: marginalité ou réalité d’une vie? (SDF – SQUATTERS : outcasts or a real life ?). Young people as social outcasts: how can such a situation arise? Is it fate or choice? How are these people helped? Social Assistants give their answers.
    4 October: La santé mentale, j’en parle… (Mental health, I’m talking about it…). Slogan chosen for the year of mental health.
    5 October: Une approche égalitaire des differences (An equal approach to differences). Different treatment towards a certain category of people, according to arbitrary criteria, cannot be considered acceptable in a democratic society.
  12. CINEMA FANTARCA, proposes Rassegna cinema ragazzi e giovani “Capitani coraggiosi” cinema ed educazione alla legalità (Cinema review for children and young people, cinema and education towards respect for the law”). From 6 to 18 years old.
    Reviews promotion in every school of the province (Bari) by direct contact (school by school).Pamphlets about the films selected .
    Themes, age of the destinees , workshops, investigations, guests (authors).
    Posters in every school, Cultural Institutions and Associations.
    upport for teachers: 3 different catalogues have been produced, with analyses of the selected films. Catalogues are divided by age.
    Presentations, debates, workshops, are, organised before the screening.
    Participation by the directors.
    Competition: presentation of works about the various films.
    A course for teachers: Scuola, cinema ed educazione alla legalità: quali metodologie e approcci didattici (School, cinema and education towards respect for the law: which methods and educational approaches).
    ociological research: Cinema and education towards respect for the law, carried out with the “Synergia” research centre of Milan.
  13. CINEMA CICOLELLA, proposes Su ragazzi! Al cinema! (Come on boys! Let’s go to the cinema!). From primary to secondary school.
    Education of the young spectator to the language of film. Discover a taste of screenings in the theatre. Screening of contemporary European films for the discovery of other cultures and the discovery that differences are precious.
    Presentation of the initiative to the schools.
    Choice and screening of the films in the theatre.
    Documentation, debates in the theatre with the presence of an expert.
    Guided tour of the projection room.
  14. CINEMA ARENA VIGNOLA, proposes Cineclub d’estate XV edizione