MEDIA Salles' Honour Committee is composed of
eminent film directors and actors who support MEDIA Salles' activities
in promoting the growth of the European cinema industry.
Among the members of the Honour Committee who
have already signed the "Declaration" supporting European cinema,
are Pedro Almodóvar, Michelangelo Antonioni, John Boorman,
Kenneth Branagh, Georges Corraface, Carlo Di Palma, Peter Fleischmann,
Aki Kaurismaki, Alexander Kluge, Emir Kusturica, Ken Loach, Francesco
Maselli, Gillo Pontecorvo, Ettore Scola, Maria Schneider, Tilda Swinton,
Paolo e Vittorio Taviani, Lars von Trier, Margarethe von Trotta,
Fernando Trueba, Krzysztof Zanussi